A wise woman recently asked me...'In twenty years (because thirty just sounds too far away and twenty doesn't sound as old :) are you going to look back and remember that the floors are spotless, the baseboards are dusted and everything is perfectly in it's place? Or will you remember the moments you spend playing with Sophia and watching her grow?'
It has been something that I've thought a lot about lately and as a military wife, I think sometimes things can so quickly get overwhelming so much so that you lose focus on what is truly important and what can quite simply...wait.
As Chris is in the field until next weekend, Sophia and I started to think about some things to do to help make our new house more like a home while spending quality time together. When we first arrived in Alabama, we were staying with Kathy who is an avid gardener. Her yard looks stunning and she just put in a beautiful veggie garden which makes my mouth
water just thinking about all the veggies of summer. I think being around her has given me the itch to attempt at this whole gardening thing. As a housewarming present for Miss Sophia, Kathy gave her her own little gardening set, complete with a Big Bird gardening bag, tools and some seeds to start some planting.
Thank you Kathy for everything this week and since we've arrived. It is a blessing having you and Amanda so close.
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