
Monday, September 6, 2010

Fall? Is that you?

So I've pulled out Sophia's leggings and am getting a taste of what fall is going to be like in Huntsville! I absolutely love it. The weather has cooled and an amazingly refreshing
breeze seems to have taken over Huntsville. I can hardly contain myself. I've waited for this. I made a deal with myself that once the weather cooled and the outrageous Alabama summer had passed, Sophia and I will spend more time outside, more time taking longer walks, bike riding, park trips...ahhh for the love of fall! And that is just what we've done. Every morning and early afternoon we take a walk around the neighborhood just the two of us, Sophia riding her bike and mama waddling along. And every evening after dinner, we take a long, long walk with Dad and the puppies which turns into more of a walk where I lag behind as Chris and the puppies try to keep up with an adventurous and fiercely independent Sophia! I'm okay with that. I can take my time. My view from the back is by far the best anyway and I can clear my head and daydream of me in three or four months time pushing a stroller while happily lagging behind. I look forward to these walks as a family. They are oh-so worth my swollen feet and aching back when we return to settle in for the evening and will be a wonderful thing for me to remember when Chris is so far away.

And the fair came to Huntsville this Labor Day and my gosh was it worth all the overpriced tickets, food and games to see Miss Sophia with her Dad, so happy. I especially love seeing Chris so content, sharing with Sophia something that he remembers doing as a kid. It was a good day. A very good day. And so were the rest of our days this weekend. Happy Labor Day and happy short week ahead! :)

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